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5 Blog Redesign Mistakes That Kill SEO

by | Jan 31, 2012 | Search Marketing (SEO, Paid Search), Underwire Newsletter

image Make sure your web design doesn’t paint you into an SEO corner! Please check out our guest post today on about web design and SEO: 5 Blog Redesign Mistakes That Kill SEO. In the post, we outline 5 common web design mistakes that kill search engine optimization and why teamwork among SEOs, web designers, marketers and developers is critical during a blog redesign process.

Here are 5 design mistakes to avoid:

1. High-traffic pages are removed or deleted

2. Top-level keyword terms are omitted from new copy

3. The new design does not leave enough room for copy

4. The beautiful design takes longer to load

5. CMS changes affect URLs

Read the post with the tips on how to avoid those web design mistakes on (which offers a ton of great advice + awesome tools for keyword research). And if you need some Google analytics help, check out How to Use Google Analytics to Improve SEO or this blog category on Google Analytics How-tos. (Hat tip to Guacira Naves and her fabulous SEMPO presentation on SEO and Web Design, plus SEOmoz. You all make my SEO day.)

This SEO + Web Design infographic is also a good place to start when thinking about SEO and your web design process.

Blog Design for Killer SEO Infographic
Created by Dawn Shepard for SEOmoz

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