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5 Ways To Get More out of Social Media This Summer

by | Jun 22, 2017 | Online Marketing Tips, Social Media Marketing

5 Ways To Get More out of Social Media This Summer
Here are 5 quick and easy ways to improve your social media marketing this summer. 

The longest day of the year has come and gone. And you have Fridays off in summer, right? Time is tight. Here are 5 quick and easy ways to improve your social media marketing this summer. 



5 Quick and Easy Social Media Tips to Try This Summer:

1) Add a Link to Your Instagram Stories

This clickable features gives you a way to direct instagram traffic to your website. Social Media Examiner has some great tips on effective and creative ways to use this feature.

Your Task: Try out Stories, if you haven’t already, and make sure to add a link to the related blog post or book page.


2) Twitter Has a New Look

The new streamlined Twitter interface also includes the abililty to open links and other websites from within Twitter.

Your Task: Update your profile and account images so they look great with the new design.


3) Facebook Has Two New Value-Based Ad Campaign Tools

The ad tools are a) Valued Optimization whereby you optimize the ad campaign based on purchase value data (Facebook pixel required) and b) value-based Lookalike Audiences which allows advertisers to reach people who look like their highest-spending customers.

Your Task: Install the Facebook Pixel, if you haven’t already, and try a small campaign using Ad Manager to optimize for conversion (note: this is NOT the boost button, use the Ad Manager tool).

4) Just for Fun, Give the Facebook GIF Comment Tool a Try

The GIF comment tool is a bit goofy. But a fun experiment is to ask people to reply to a post using the GIF button. For example, ask followers to type in their name and post the first gif that appears into the comments.


5) Know the new rules on influencer marketing

In late 2016, the government implemented new rules on testimonials, endorsements and reviews. See the Canadian Code of Advertising Standard:

Basically sponsored posts have to be clearly labeled as such. If you are working with influencers (you send them a book, product or invitation), then that person must clearly state that they were paid to post. Paid means either in cash or with product, so those freebies still need disclosure. On social posts, influencers should use #Ad or #Sponsored upfront (not buried in a sea of other hashtags). The disclosure needs to be in proximity to the product and this applies to blog posts, YouTube and posts on social media like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, etc.

Your Task: Tell your influencers or paid reviewers to disclose their relationship with you. If they don’t, your company is the one at risk not them. The ASC (Advertising Standards Canada) target the sponsoring companies rather than the individual infuencers when enforcing the guidelines.

Here’s how the ASC defines a brand-influencer relationship:

“Material connection” is defined as any connection between an entity providing a product or service and an endorser, reviewer, influencer or person making a representation that may affect the weight or credibility of the representation, and includes: benefits and incentives, such as monetary or other compensation, free products with or without any conditions attached, discounts, gifts, contest and sweepstakes entries, and any employment relationship, but excludes nominal consideration for the legal right to identify publicly the person making the representation.

Your influencers should include disclosure statements within their posts or videos. There is no specific wording but “Publisher X sent me this book for review” would work, or in a video the influencer could state that the book was sent to them by the publisher. For social posts, hashtags such as #Ad and #Sponsored, as mentioned above, need to be prominent and not hidden among other hashtags.

That’s it. Easy peasy, lemon squeezy (mix with sparkling water and basil).  

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