
+ Free advice and other musings

Google Analytics Setup Checklist

Google Analytics Setup Checklist

Google Analytics Setup Checklist for Agencies, Web Designers and Programmers Google Analytics is one of those tools that you want to set up correctly from the beginning so that you can avoid headaches later. 1. Choose Your Preferred Domain (www or non-www) To a search...

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Yes We Had a Fire

Yes We Had a Fire

There was a fire in our building last Thursday night and our beautiful space is ruined. We know that roofers were doing renovations all week and that the fire started Thursday night at 8 pm, but we don’t know yet if the roof work was related to the fire. Nobody...

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What’s Your Easter Egg

What’s Your Easter Egg

Here’s an unintentional Easter egg from YouTube. Awkward thumbnail images. Easter eggs in video games are hidden messages or rewards for players. They are usually little in-jokes, secret rooms or minor segues that help motivate players to continue exploring a...

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Presenting for the Fun of It

I’ve found that my best presentation skills actually come from my experience acting and as a ballerina. Yes, that was in high school and university, but that practice in front of an audience has been invaluable to me. Plus I see these core presentation skills in...

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Books & Technology Roundup

Books & Technology Roundup

Book publishers have been on our minds since our post on 25 Lessons Publishers Can Teach Startups. In particular because Digital Book World took place, then O’Reilly Tools of Change, plus the National Book Count data was released and our client Canadian...

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