Boxcar Marketing is pleased to announce the launch and re-designed of the BC Book Prizes website.
The BC Book Prizes, established in 1985, celebrate the achievements of British Columbia writers and publishers. The seven Prizes, plus The Lieutenant Governor’s Award for Literary Excellence, are presented annually at the Lieutenant Governor’s BC Book Prize Gala in April. The Prizes are administered and awarded by members of a non-profit society who represent all facets of the publishing and writing community.
Finalists in each category were announced on Thursday, March 6. To view the BC Book Prize finalists visit the 2008 BC Book Prizes webpage.
Tickets for the April 26th Lieutenant Governor’s BC Book Prize Gala are on sale now for $70 and can be reserved through the BC Book Prizes website.
Boxcar Marketing would also like to thank Joslin Green of PLAYER Industries, who designed the site, and Eric Barstad of Shadow Box Creative Media Ltd., who handled the programming.