
+ Free advice and other musings

We’ve Moved to 7 East 7th Avenue

We’ve Moved to 7 East 7th Avenue

Thanks again for all the support after the office fire in our previous building. I’m happy to announced that we moved into our new office on Tuesday and have spent some time this week getting back up and running. There’s still a ton of things we need to...

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We’ve Moved to 7 East 7th Avenue

We’ve Moved to 7 East 7th Avenue

Thanks again for all the support after the office fire in our previous building. I’m happy to announced that we moved into our new office on Tuesday and have spent some time this week getting back up and running. There’s still a ton of things we need to...

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Google Analytics Setup Checklist

Google Analytics Setup Checklist

Google Analytics Setup Checklist for Agencies, Web Designers and Programmers Google Analytics is one of those tools that you want to set up correctly from the beginning so that you can avoid headaches later. 1. Choose Your Preferred Domain (www or non-www) To a search...

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Yes We Had a Fire

Yes We Had a Fire

There was a fire in our building last Thursday night and our beautiful space is ruined. We know that roofers were doing renovations all week and that the fire started Thursday night at 8 pm, but we don’t know yet if the roof work was related to the fire. Nobody...

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