Successful Facebook marketing involves connecting with fans of your Page. This requires posting regularly to your Facebook Page with relevant and interesting content that engages your fans and results in interactions such as likes, comments and shares. When...
+ Free advice and other musings
10 Tips For Using Facebook Timeline For Business
by Crissy Campbell | Apr 3, 2012 | Social Media Marketing, Underwire Newsletter
Facebook’s Timeline for Pages launched March 30th. If you’re just catching up, here are tips for setting up, managing and measuring success on Facebook Timeline. Setting Up Facebook Timeline for Business 1. Timeline for Brands offers great opportunities to...
4 Things You Need to Know About Facebook Timeline for Business
by Crissy Campbell | Mar 29, 2012 | Social Media Marketing
The deadline to move your Facebook Page over to the new Facebook Timeline is March 30th. Are you ready? Despite many organizations’ reluctance to change over to the new Timeline, there are some benefits to the new format. According to a study undertaken by...
5 Tips For Mastering Google+
by Monique Sherrett | Mar 27, 2012 | Social Media Marketing
Have you set up your Google+ business page yet? If you are still wondering why you should spend time on another social network, the answer is clear. Search traffic from Google organic search is likely 60-80% of the traffic to your site. In the age of Panda,...
How To Change Your Twitter Name Without Losing Followers
by Crissy Campbell | Mar 20, 2012 | Online Marketing Tips, Social Media Marketing
Changing your Twitter name without losing followers is actually a fairly easy process, thanks to Alicia’s post on how to change your Twitter handle. If you’ve changed your business name or your Twitter handle is different than your other social media...
A Day In The Life of the Internet
by Crissy Campbell | Mar 16, 2012 | Monique's Pick
What happens on the internet every day? We all know that the internet is huge, but you may not have realized how huge. This infographic from gives some numbers on what happens on the web on a daily basis. According to this infographic, every 24 hours:...
3 Easy Ways to Use Facebook’s New Timeline Apps
by Crissy Campbell | Mar 13, 2012 | Social Media Marketing
Facebook recently announced Facebook Timeline for business and brand pages! Instead of the old Facebook layout with Page Tabs, we now have Timeline Apps. Timeline Apps help brands tell their story and engage with fans through contests (like the Antavo and Strutta) as...
How To Change Your Gmail Username
by Crissy Campbell | Mar 8, 2012 | Tech Support for Non-Techies
Changing your Gmail username may be necessary if your name recently changed (say if you got married) or if you were given a default name for your Google Apps account. For example, we were recently given the name “General Delivery 2” for a Google Apps...
Grammar Tips: 15 Copywriting Mistakes That Make You Look Silly
by Crissy Campbell | Mar 7, 2012 | Online Marketing Tips, Web Content
At Boxcar Marketing we are big fans of Grammar Girl so this infographic from Copyblogger struck a chord. These 15 grammar tips are important to keep in mind when writing emails, website copy, Facebook updates or any other online content. As the infographic notes,...
Books & Technology Roundup
by Monique Sherrett | Feb 21, 2012 | News, Work
Book publishers have been on our minds since our post on 25 Lessons Publishers Can Teach Startups. In particular because Digital Book World took place, then O’Reilly Tools of Change, plus the National Book Count data was released and our client Canadian...
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