
+ Free advice and other musings

I am a Digital Tour Guide

I am a digital tour guide in a land of digital tourists. Digital native and digital immigrant are two labels we continue to assign to people based on generation. Their meanings rely on a division according to age in which one is a person who has grown up with digital...

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Define: Digital Native

What is a digital native? “A digital native is essentially anyone who was born and raised in a household where there was always a computer.”—Mitch Joel Anyone who has grown up with digital technology, rather than adopting it later: digital cameras,...

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The Death of TV in 3 parts

One of the ongoing conversations I often have with clients, friends and colleagues surrounds the current volatile media climate. We’re swimming in more and more mediated information, communications and creative work than ever before, yet the overall landscape is...

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A load of marketing

Just in case you thought that the ideas behind the shifting control of marketing were intangible, conceptual or abstract, please consider the Weighty Marketing Matters ‘06 post from the Church of the Customer blog. Between November 20 and December 22 Ben...

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