April 26, 2012 Update: Here’s how to give someone access to your Google Analytics in the new Google Analytics. Google Analytics gives you the ability to add users to your account and to grant them different levels of access. This is useful for when you want to...
+ Free advice and other musings
How to Get Analytics Reports Sent to Your Inbox
by Crissy Campbell | May 4, 2010 | Google Analytics, Tech Support for Non-Techies
May 15, 2012 Update: Here’s how to get Analytics reports sent to your inbox in the new Google Analytics. Setting up your Google Analytics account to deliver your reports to your Inbox is a handy way to remember to monitor your web stats. Go to your Dashboard...
Feedburner Feed: Invalid GET data
by Monique Sherrett | Apr 29, 2010 | Tech Support for Non-Techies
The Boxcar Marketing RSS feed is run through Feedburner.com, which allows readers to subscribe by RSS or email, which is super handy. For an unspecified period of time, those of you using Google Reader were unable to click on the blog post title without getting an...
Mail Deleted My Email and Accounts
by Monique Sherrett | Feb 22, 2010 | Tech Support for Non-Techies
Over the past 3 months, I have managed to unintentionally delete my entire inbox 3 times. The first two times, I was setting up Google Apps for Domains and made the mistake of editing the existing account instead of adding a new account. If you’re changing your...
IT Department Blocking Access to YouTube? Facebook?
by Monique Sherrett | Nov 6, 2008 | Social Media Marketing, Tech Support for Non-Techies
I understand that I live in a world, and in a business space, that demands I “play on the internet all day”. But what confounds me is when I’m asked to consult with companies on their online marketing strategy, and those companies are blocking their...
EERoadshow: Susannah Gardner on Templates & Modules
by Monique Sherrett | Sep 26, 2008 | Events, Tech Support for Non-Techies
Susannah Gardner of Hop Studios is currently showing the attendees at EE Roadshow how to customize an ExpressionEngine template. I just learned a cool trick. Ok, not a trick really, I just learned something that should have been painfully obvious. As Susie was...
4 tips to detect phishing attempts
by James Sherrett | Apr 16, 2008 | Tech Support for Non-Techies
Late last week I received an email from Google AdWords at an email address that looked like reactivation@google.com. Except the email wasn’t from Google AdWords and the originating email address wasn’t really reactivation@google.com. It was a phishing...
Copyright, Permissions and Online Rules
by Monique Sherrett | Sep 26, 2007 | Tech Support for Non-Techies, Underwire Newsletter
This month one of our Underwire subscribers asked a great question about copyright and whether the rules for online publishing are different than those of print publishing. * What are the copyright laws in relation to the practice of posting other people’s full...
Need help learning a computer program? Take an online tutorial.
by Monique Sherrett | Aug 22, 2007 | Tech Support for Non-Techies, Underwire Newsletter
At Barcamp Vancover on Saturday, Tod Maffin of CBC led a discussion on favourite tech tools, widgets, gadgets and other geekery. All of the tips were great, but I want to point out one in particular. Lynda.com is $25 per month service that provides online training...
Ask for Support: Excel Tip for Finding Duplicates
by Monique Sherrett | May 26, 2007 | Tech Support for Non-Techies, Underwire Newsletter
What do you do if you suspect that you have duplicate entries in your Excel spreadsheet? Just find them. But use a formula. 1. You need to have at least one column that holds a piece of standard data, like an email address, ID number, phone number. Something that is...
1-Minute Marketing Tips
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