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Creating Passionate Users, Notes from Audio

by | Apr 6, 2006 | Internet Marketing Strategy, Online Communities

Update: Here is a link to the original post on Kathy Sierra’s blog about her talk, Creating Passionate Users.

Via a roundup post of audio and video stuff to hear / watch on the pretty-much-always-excellent 37 Signals blog, Signal vs. Noise, I came across an audio recording of a presentation by Kathy Sierra on creating passionate users. The file is very large, many MBs, and about 1 hour long, in .m4a format, which seems to play really well in quicktime, and I listened to the whole thing.

If you’re at all interested in how to design software or websites or games or any product that people will invest themselves in, I recommend listening. Download the file to your computer and add it to your MP3 player and listen to it sometime when you’re walking somewhere, or on the bus. It’s a great talk from Montreal, I’m told, though I don’t think it sounds like a conference. Rather, it sounds like a presentation to a group of students, likely computer science students, or employees of the university.

As I listened to the presentation I made some notes. The notes are available in fairly rough, unedited form at the link to this full post. Kathy Sierra’s blog, Creating Passionate Users, is also well worth checking out and adding to your RSS reader. What? Don’t have an RSS reader. Don’t get what all the noise is about? Well, in the hopper here at Work Industries, is a post for you explaining what is RSS, why it matters and how it can work for you. Coming Soon!

Until then, try to have some fun with my ungainly notes, if you dare.

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