Wordstream has a great infographic this morning on “What Industries Contributed to Google’s $37.9 Billion in 2011 Revenues?” If you’re running PPC campaigns on Google Adwords, then you might want to check this out because 96% of that $37.9 Billion came from advertising. Is your industry among the top 10 industries that spent the most on Google Ads in 2011? And, are you also bidding on the 5 commonly used keywords? If yes, check out the average cost per click—$1.20 to $43.39 depending on the industry and keyword phrase.
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See Wordstream’s full post for 5 Things the Google Revenue Data Tells Us About the US Economy
Visit http://investor.google.com/financial/tables.html for the Financial Table from Google’s Income Statement
Understand How the Google Adwords Auction works with this infographic
Play with the Google Zeitgeist to see mattered to use in 2011. The Zeitgeist sorts the billions of Google searches from last year into the 10 fastest-rising global queries and it lets you drill down by country and month. Seems like 13-year-old Canadian musician Rebecca Black was #1 fastest-rising search globally and in Canada. Take that Justin Bieber.