Google Chrome has forced many site owners to switch to HTTPS. Keep tracking traffic in Google Analytics with these changes.
Google Chrome recently started displayng an unsecure site warning on all non-HTTPS sites. If you have switched from HTTP to HTTPS then make these updates in Google Analytics:
- Update the Default URL in property and view settings. Log into Google Analytics. Click Admin > Property Settings then update the Default URL to https://
- Re-link your Google Analytics profile with your new HTTPS Google Webmaster Tools (Search Console Settings). First log into Google Webmaster Tools and create a new Search Console Property for the https version of your site. Then in Google Analytics, under Admin > Property Settings, scroll down to Search Console and click Adjust Search Console. If you have views enabled for http, then you’ll need to unlink these, then link to your https propery. This will enable your Search Console Reports to appear inside Google Analyitcs.Â
- If you’re using Google Tag Manager, then check the installation and tracking by logging into Tag Manager.
- Change any incoming links from third-party tools. For example, the links to your site in profiles on Twitter and Facebook, links on any ad campaigns. Check your email newsletter signup process.
- Check you’ve followed these final steps:
- Ensure your 301 redirects are passing the UTM parameter:Â