
+ Free advice and other musings

Happy Holidays

by | Dec 16, 2013 | Underwire Newsletter

What do we really want for the holidays? These 5 things sum it up for me. What’s on your list?

Time off
The restorative value of play should not be minimized. Play, or “time off”, makes the working hours more productive.

Cookies but not the calories
I cannot help you with the calories but I can help you with the cookies. This is my all-time favourite shortbread recipe.

Friends and family
Make this holiday season about connecting. Small things will do, like saying Happy Holidays to co-workers you pass in the hallway or answering email from family first. Did you know that smiling can make you happy, even if you’re not?

Work-safe gifts under $20: fancy post-it notes, 2014 calendar, earphones, notebooks, luggage tags for the traveller, cookie cutters for the baker, Olympic mitts, mini air hockey table, magazine subscription (most come with a gift subscription so you can give a magazine and receive the same one yourself), cool lunch containers, Lego minis, shall I go on?

Hope is not simply optimism. Hope is the fuel that moves us forward. Hope leads to everything from better job performance to greater happiness overall. When we’re excited about what’s next, we can see the momentum needed to get beyond the current challenges. To cultivate hope each day, pick goals that you’re excited to pursue, establish the cues that will act as reminders to propel you forward, and rally others for support. And, if you’re able, offer some hope to those in need. There are a ton of local charities that can use your support: local food banks, SPCAs, Habitat for Humanity, conservation organizations, health foundations, Canadian Blood Services are a few examples. Need somewhere to start? Vancouver-based Hootsuite has partnered with Chimp to ensure 100% of charitable giving this Dec through Chimp goes to the charities vs. processing fees. Find a charity:

Happy holidays from Boxcar Marketing! 

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