I have officially been on the job since January but have yet to post on the Work Industries blog. The pot is boiling over, now is the time.
One of my jobs at Work Industries is to help non-techie clients understand technology. That role extends beyond Work Industries’ clients to include non-techies who I meet during various speaking gigs, fellow bloggers, friends and family.
Over the last week I have been setting up a blog and newsletter for non-geeks. It’s is called Underwire. The tagline is “Keeping Abreast of Technology” or “Full Support for Non-Techies”. Yes, it’s tongue-in-cheek. I like to play with my technology.
Feel free to subscribe: subscribe to Underwire Newsletter
Underwire is a monthly email newsletter. The first newsletter will go out next week.
Not into email, subscribe to the RSS. Don’t know what RSS is? You’re a good candidate for Underwire.