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Photojojo Creates a Time Capsule of Your Flickr Account

by | Mar 20, 2008 | Monique's Pick, Tools & Technology for Non-Techies

If you are a user of Flickr (the world’s best photo sharing site), and have regularly uploaded photos for the multiple years you’ve been on the site, then you may have a huge archive of thousands of photos at this point. How often to you get the chance to revisit photos from a year ago, or even farther back? Possibly never. Well Photojojo has come up with something called “Time Capsule” and it may just be the thing for you.

“Every couple weeks, Time Capsule digs up your photos on Flickr from a year ago, choosing the ones that are most interesting (most views, comments, and faves), then sends them to you in a quick email.”


I signed up for it a few weeks ago, and have received two newsletters so far. The selection of photos show up with the captions I’d written to accompany them on Flickr, and are a very generous size. I like this tiny slice of life from a year ago showing up in my inbox, and revisiting shots posted the previous year.

You can sign up for Time Capsule here.

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