Do you want to attract more visitors to your website?
Register for the QuickLearn business training series. Our first session is Search Marketing 101.
QuickLearn: Search Marketing 101
presented by Alexandre Brabant of eMarketing 101
hosted by Monique Trottier of Boxcar Marketing
February 19
6:30-8:30 pm
Location: Boxcar Marketing offices, suite 302, 70 East 2nd Ave. (corner of Main and Quebec)
Cost: $120
Search marketing is one of the cheapest, most cost-effective ways to promote your company and drive qualified leads to your website.
Most people find search engines to be a mystery. How do I get my website to rank higher in search listings for key phrases related to my business, products or services? Should I consider paying for advertising placement on search engines?
Effective search marketing and optimization is the key component to any successful online presence. If you are unsure of how search works, how to integrate search into your existing promotional campaigns, or why search is important to your business—this is the session for you.
For more information or to register in person, contact Monique Trottier at 778-837-9012.
Alexandre Brabant is the president of Vancouver-based eMarketing 101. He is a leading Search Marketing Specialist and the Co-Chair of SEMPO Canada, Canada’s Search Engine Marketing Professionals Organization.