
+ Free advice and other musings

SFU Summer New Media Workshops

by | Feb 25, 2006 | Speaking, Work

(Cross posted from my Up in Ontario blog.)

Thanks to the lovely and smart Monique I now know a little more about the SFU Summer New Media Workshops that are coming up this summer, July 31 to August 2. I’ll also ‘fess up and tell you that I’ll be speaking on Day 4: Getting the Money to Flow, though my bio has appeared yet.

Now that you know I’m biased, I’ll press on.

I know a number of the other presenters at the workshops, and if you’re looking for some great sessions to learn about new media, the web and what’s going on in this crazy networked world, the workshops will be a great chance to learn and participate. The folks leading the sessions live and breathe the web and will be great resources. Some of them presented at the recent Northern Voice conference and a number of others attended as partcipants. I know, I paid to be there to watch the whole thing go down.

So if you’re looking for an opportunity to hang out and learn with some of the leading webby geeks in Vancouver, I recommend the SFU Summer New Media Workshops. And if you or the company you represent have a budget for education / career development, I can’t think of a better opportunity to turn those allocated dollars into excellent learnings. The days are structured so you can concentrate on a particular area of expertise, or attend for the duration to get the grand sweep of the web.

• Day 1: The Future and the Now: The death of the desktop paradigm seems finally to be at hand. In its place is a networked computing environment with unprecedented reach. How are today’s enterprises using this environment? Learn from the experts about the different ways you can reach your audience, navigate standards and trends, create online community and get involved in social networking, understand the new world of digital identity, and explore the web as an emerging application platform.

• Day 2: What Counts as Content Anymore?: Questions around digital content run the gamut from traditional publication concerns of writing, editing and graphic design to live data, multipart conversations, anycasting, and personal identity management. How do creators deal with a world beyond the page? What are the skills and concepts you need to effectively create, manage, and deliver content online today?

• Day 3: Exploring New Formats: Blogs, wikis, podcasts, social networks, and aggregators present a host of new opportunities for bringing content and audiences together in different ways. This workshop gives you the opportunity to find out how these emerging formats and genres can work in your context, and what you need to be doing to make them work. Who has a successful online presence and what are they doing?

• Day 4: Getting the Money to Flow: Money has indeed returned to the online world, but it’s not the nineties anymore; there are new rules in play. The three mainstays of revenue generation are online retail, advertising, and subscription, but how are these shifting in the light of software-as-a-service, blog- and search-based branding, and ad networks? We look at the numbers, evaluate the strategies, and help you figure out how to make revenues flow your way.

If you have any questions about the workshops, let me know either in the comments of this post or by email and I’ll see what I can do to get them answered. Hope to see you there!

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