Rob Cottingham writes to remind me of a great event coming up next week here in Vancouver: Social Tech Brewing. I attended the last Social Tech Brewing at The Whip back in May and met some great folks. I also ran into some folks I hadn’t seen for awhile and renewed relationships.
Last week I recommended to my clients at the Pacific Salmon Foundation that they attend, so now I’m making the call open to everyone. Details below.
Social Tech Brewing Vancouver
Border-Busting: a conversation with Katrin Verclas
July 17th, Radha EateryIf you work at the intersection of technology and community-building, we hope you’ll join us for a July 17th gathering of Social Tech Brewing’s Vancouver chapter. Social Tech Brewing brings together folks from nonprofit organizations, community service, social activism, social ventures and technology to share ideas—and beer!
Our July 17th event will feature a conversation with Katrin Verclas, the incoming director of The Nonprofit Technology Enterprise Network (N-TEN), an American group that works to support the diverse people and organizations who help nonprofits employ technology effectively. We’ve booked a great quiet space in which to have this conversation, conveniently located above a great spot to drink beer.
Katrin will lead an informal discussion about whether/how US npos can work more effectively here in Canada. She’ll also introduce us to a new project from the N-TEN Technobabes Community: “BraCamp,” which we’re hoping will lead to a broader conversation about gender issues in nonprofit technology.
Katrin’s presentation and Q&A will start at 7:15 and wrap by 8, so please plan to arrive on time. If you’re early, folks will gather underneath Radha at the Brickhouse for a brew or two. And if you’re still hot to talk after we wrap, we’ll be moving back down to the Brickhouse again for another hour of libations, gossip exchange, and general consipracy-hatching.
Please RSVP on’s dedicated Social Tech Brewing page.
We hope to see you there!
Date: July 17 2006, 7:00-9:00pm
Venue: Radha Eatery, 730 Main Street, Vancouver, BC. (Map to Radha)
Cost: Free!
If you’re thinking of hitting the event and want to share a ride, let me know. Carpooling is a service we offer less than seasonally.