
+ Free advice and other musings

‘Tis the Season for Finding New Talent

by | Dec 4, 2012 | Monique's Pick, Underwire Newsletter

Photo by Deb Mae by CC BY-NC-SA 2.0
Photo by Deb Mae

Season’s Greetings!

While you’re busy decking the halls and sprucing up the office for the new year, it’s also a great time of year to find new talent to add to your team.

Here are 4 things to remember when hiring new employees.

1. Don’t use a junior person to run an interview.

This is the first contact a potential employee has with your company. Don’t have someone who’s inexperienced conducting interviews. Use someone who is comfortable in an interview setting and knows the right questions to ask.

2. Dress professionally.

Again, since this may be the first contact that people have with your company, set the tone of the office by dressing professionally. Obviously, if it’s a jeans and t-shirt kind of office you don’t need to wear a suit and tie, but you do want to appear pulled together. If the office is dressing up as elves for a casual Friday, then consider bringing a change of clothes for the interview.

Professional, talented individuals want to get a feel for the corporate culture but they also want to assess what a regular day in the office might be like. You know that old saying, “Dress for the job you want”? In this case, dress for the employee you want.

3. Start on time.

Starting on time shows that you are considerate of the interviewee. They’re taking time out of their busy day to meet with you and employees want to work in environments where they (and their time) are respected.

4. Be prepared to answer important questions and talk money.

Interviews also cost you time. Don’t waste more of your time by delaying the important questions to a second or third interview.

Remember, interviewees are interviewing you, too. Be ready to ask and answer crucial questions on the first meeting. Be ready to talk salary. You should make sure that you’re both on the same page before you commit to spending more time on further interviews.

Happy Holidays! And thank you for continuing to read Boxcar Marketing’s blog.

By Crissy Campbell

Crissy was Boxcar Marketing’s project manager from May 2009 to December 2012. She handled much of our day-to-day business, including working with clients directly on editorial calendars, weekly online activity plans, social media training and outreach opportunities. Crissy holds a Master of Publishing degree and before Boxcar Marketing, she worked at the Fraser Valley Regional Library where she specialized in the development and execution of promotional campaigns to drive traffic to regional library locations. Fun Facts Crissy has seen the sun rise on the Mekong River. She took Japanese in high school. She could beat adults at Memory when she was 5. Crissy loves wine and board games. Together when possible.

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